Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sunday's Clippings

Today John and I had our hair cut by Atucum one of the young men who guard the house. He is in babering school learning the trade. Cutting batori's hair is a new experience for him. He did very well, the best hair cut I've ever had!

The Emperor's New Clothes

I want to thank all of you who have visited our blog and shared our adventure with us. Ihope my friend and collegue Paul M. from Donna has followed and the many others of you who enjoy connection throiugh the internet. Right now it is very warm in the hills of Jos (90+F). We had power for ten minutes yesterday and I am on line because son Joh is running the "gen" and Janson and Emily, their partners in ministry and close neighbors either have power or are running their "gen". You can follow both John and Corrie's blog as well as Jason and Emily's from our own blog. The photos today are of the new Nigerian outfits I had made at Gidon Bege, a ministry which teaches widows to sew and then sends them back to their village with a sewing machine to earn a living sewing.

I have two new outfits. I plan to save the white one for Easter Sunday at Donna, the light blue I'll wear to worship in the village church and at Donna.

Shara & Gus enjoy some quiet time playing favorite video ganes, too.