Sunday, February 7, 2010

Finding the Switch

Thankfully John was able to find the release on this new chop saw. The other guys were still looking!

The Team Arrived

The team of five men from Cincinnati arrived sfae and sound about 4:00p.m. today. Everything they brought made it too. One of the team members' family provided donations for the new 220V Bosch power tools which will empower this team to begin building on the property. Their first task will be to build a block factory and begin manufacturing concrete blocks. These will be used in the construction of the facilities on the property.

Gus and Sarah saw the new toys and thought they were for them. Unfortunately they quickly learned they were toys...ooops tools for the big boys who came as part of the mission team!

We all gathered at SSE house for their first Nigerian meal lasagne, tossed salad, garlic bread and wonderful homemade brownies thanks to Emilee Muniflo's home cooking.

The Village Church Today

We worshipped with the Kisayhip Village Church today. It is a congregation of the Evangelical Church of West Africa (ECWA) led by Pastor Dowda who preached on developing faith by following God's commands as Abraham did when he left his homeland and Noah as he built the Ark. The music is absolutely wonderful led by percussions pictured and sung by congregation and choir in Hausa. Pastor Dowda preached in Hausa with a translator so our family could easily understand his message. The service included a capital fund raising campaign where everyone was asked to give toward the church debt, their name was called and the amount given announced.

We shared a meal at a local Aisan restaurant of beef, shrimp and chicken. A favorite place for all of us. Only 6800.00 Niara!

A five man mission team from Cincinnati is traveling today from Abuja to Jos. They will arrive in the next hour. We'll join them for dinner and fellowship.