Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another Baby in our Life

Today, Tuesday we took another new baby into our life. Payton Munafo came calling while mommy Emily went to a meeting. We also renewed friendship with Ibro Itapson, Of SSE and his daughter Itzi. I also caught the men's team working on the road gang spreading two of the seven very large mounds of dirt dumped to help fill in the roadway outside John and Corrie's house.

We also went shopping for a few groceries for only n16,775.00.

Monday A Day Off

Monday Eileen and I took a day off. I did not even leave the house. I read a couple of episodes from The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, cooked supper for the family, a dish I called "Baked Burritos". I did discover the video clips will not upload from here. You may also notice the "Hit Counter" at the top of the page. It tells us how many, not who. Encouraging to see thjat since it was installed on Saturday by a IT guy from the men's group. We've had 79 hits as of this entry.