Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Maybe more photos

Please forgive I tried to upload several photos at once it didn't work



Measured for New Outfits

Here are the photos of our measuring, my taylor, the iron, venders, a dead critter. Our shopping at the local "supermarket" for the week 38,000.00 Naira. Some familiar brands surprised me.

Where we eat and sleep

Here's where we sleep and eat. Gus gave up his room for the month we are here...we paid extra for that in the form of a new basketball, Kraft Velvetta Cheese & Shells, and his favorite pop tarts.


As I reviewed my entries this morning I found many typo and spelling errors. Will you help me catch them?
If you'd rather email me you may at degucken@gmail.com.
Whne we have power I check messages.

We're off this morning to be measured for new ouitfits!

Thanks and God bless.


Finding the Switch

Thankfully John was able to find the release on this new chop saw. The other guys were still looking!